These are news I like! Both shows I recently worked on are nominated for one of Germany’s most important TV-awards, the “Grimme-Preis”. The bad thing: Both, “Habe die Ehre” for “Bayerischer Rundfunk” as well as “Cartoon Network – Spurensuche” are competing in the same category…
Jan 20, 2015 @ 17:10
Now all the details of the last weeks come together: beginning with the draft of December 2nd, the fake confectionery from December 5th, loads of custom made decoration in puppet scale and the puppets. Welcome to Coffee & Treat

Together with the waitress of the coffee shop the main cast of the upcomming webseries.
A last-minute revision of the script forced me to totally re-style the puppet. Originally, I had a much younger character in mind. Finally, all that was left (apart from the “naked” puppet) was the nose.

Above, the final charakter after the changings. Below the much younger predecessor version.

The first puppet for the planned webseries is finished. The coffee shop’s waitress in her service clothing. She’s based on the first draft of the character as seen in the sketch from December, 2nd.

Set Decoration, Requisite, Puppenbau