Shooting day for BR’s new puppet show.
I dressed a corner in our premises as the show’s central control room. This is from where line-producer Ludwig Wolpertinger (puppet builder: Robert Rebele) desperately tries to manage the on-stage mayhem.
Just moments before shooting. Behind the camera: director David Gromer and DOP Stefan Spoo.

Under the table, quite uncomfy: Norman Cöster (head and voice) and me (both hands) working Ludwig.

Another project for BR.
Sauhund, a puppet show. My DingStars will also appear in this show. A new regular feature will be the Socken-Fans, characters clearly to identify as sock puppets . A bunch of fans waylaying the guest star at the back door of the sound stage. I’m doing my best to make the most of those normally rather primitive sock puppets and make them fully-fledged characters.
An example from sketch to final puppet:
Rudi, a Bavarian Prototype.

And here the whole cast so far.

Set Decoration, Requisite, Puppenbau